OK, really...I need to be better about updating this thing. CPE started this past week, which partly explains my silence. I've been at the hospital from 8:30-4:30 every day and when I get back I'm a bit pooped. I'm not used to this "real job" schedule. If only it came with real job pay... Every CPE student is assigned a unit to cover, for which we'll be the chaplain for the summer. I've been assigned to the neurology unit. For reasons of patient confidentiality I can't actually write anything about the patients themselves, but I can say that there are some fascinating people in those beds. There's a lot of bravery and a lot of fear, mostly mixed in equal amounts. Most people have been happy for a visit and eager to talk about their fears and frustrations. It's a daunting privilege, to be there with them in their pain. I'm also still getting used to talking to someone with big staples in their head...yikes! I can also say that I've developed a whole new respect for nurses. Not that I ever disrespected them, but working alongside nurses you see their work in a new light. Nursing is one heck of a difficult job and I could never do it. Chronically understaffed and constantly overworked, the nurses in my unit still manage to care deeply about their charges. They do just about everything that gets done in a hospital, from the mundane to the superhuman, and they're rarely given the credit or support they deserve and need. Speaking of which, next week is National Nurse's Week here in Canada...I'm not sure, but I think the U.S. celebrates starting today. So if you know a nurse, now would be a good time to start showing them your appreciation. Just don't let it fade away after the week is out. The other reason I've not updated much lately is that Amy will soon be leaving for a western-Canada children's theatre tour and we're trying to spend as much time together as we can. She's also working full days, both at the concert hall and rehearsing for this show, so she's also pooped. We're spending time together but we're too tired to actually do anything. And now I should really get to my CPE assignments. Oy. |