does such a small animal make such a huge stink? The Colonel Sybil McButtons can peel paint off walls and singe nose-hair at fifty feet. He burns holes in the bathroom towels and melts the faucet fixtures. He brings grown men to their knees and kills small animals using nothing more than the rancid, acrid, overwhelming smell of his stanky poo. Smelly cat, oh smelly cat! I know what I'm feeding him and I know how it smells going in. It's harmless, mild and inoffensive. What on earth happens inside that cat to make Cat Chow come out smelling so foul? I think he enjoyed watching me shovel his poop-laced litter into a garbage bag. He knew full well that as soon as I finished he'd immediately christen the new batch and start the all-too-rapid process of re-stinking the world, one bathroom at a time. I need to spend some serious time teaching that cat to use the toilet. It can be just have to have patience. But man would it be worth the effort. Dang! |