Sleepy days, sleepy days. I wish I could hibernate for a month or two. What's with the waking up tired, anyhow? Am I having dreams about work? CPE is on the downswing. Five weeks left, one of which will be spent in a haze of glee...the last week is always a bit loose, I've heard tell. I'm looking forward to classes again, if only because the schedule will be so much easier. Five classes a week? No problem! Reading? Bring it on! Papers and exams? Don't mind if I do! All the while I know that co-head duties, an honours thesis and diocesan obligations will have me running ragged. Still, there won't be any IPR. For those who haven't a clue what my acronyms mean...CPE is Clinical Pastoral Education, an intense "experiential learning" that most seminarians spend in chaplaincy. In my case that means a hospital. IPR is Interpersonal Relations and it's the sometimes cruel "group work" at the end of the CPE day. What does it look like? Take five theology students, let them visit hundreds of suffering/dying patients and families, challenge their theology, strip away their defence mechanisms, push them to examine themselves in brutal honesty and then put all five of them in a small room and let them lay into one another...scary. Meanwhile, I have papers to write...bye. P.S. - No, this entry had nothing to do with Pudding. I just thought it sounded funny...Sleepy Pudding. Heh. |