CPE is finished...today I tore off the last link on my 12-week paper chain. It's been a wild ride. It started as something very positive, became something terrifying, and ended up as a very good learning experience...one which I would never in a million years repeat, but am glad that I've done. I'll miss visiting patients (though not enough to take seriously the charge nurse's joke that I could come back as a volunteer) and I'll miss the members of our group. We were told not to become friends, but of course we did. Perhaps we became even stronger friends because we did so through the very hard work of self-examination and group dynamics. I rather think that was part of our supervisor's plan, actually...we learned more fully what friendship is. Now I have a spiffy certificate (which yes, I will be framing) and a positive evaluation to send to my diocese. I'll do some on-call work for the hospital, because cash is good, and I'll do my best to avoid ending up on the other side of the chaplaincy relationship...I've seen enough of hospitals to know that being a patient is no fun at all. |