Ah, sweet vacation time. Not that I'm going anywhere, and not like this weekend is so far any different from previous weekends. Still, just knowing that this Saturday is the first day of some time off makes it a hundred times more relaxing. And with what shall I fill my time? Paperwork and applications, that's what. I have all sorts of stuff to file with the diocese, with Trinity, with the government of Canada...oy. There are co-head plans to plan for next year and a major paper to finish for my internship. I also have some articles to write, not to mention a number of personal projects that have been on my back burner for too long. I'll be spending the next five weeks attached to my laptop...save for the occasional trip to High Park. I'll need some time to relax and re-create myself. Speaking of relaxation, I haven't been reading The Cunning Man for three weeks now. I've just been slow about updating the page. I'm now deep into Brother Cadfael mysteries, easy reading for a tired brain. Speaking of tired brains, I'm having trouble managing enough focus even to blog properly. I think I'll stop now and surf mindlessly for a couple hours. Ah, time off. |