I went to a nearby church yesterday (a good Anglo-catholic parish) just to worship. No duties for me other than the common Christian duty of prayer and worship. I really enjoy being up front, part of the Sanctuary Party, but I also need the occasional off time. It was a particularly good day because it featured two baptisms. Two little people were welcomed into the church. One of my favourite moments in Christian liturgy comes from the modern baptism rite, when the priest turns to the congregation and asks, "Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?" The entire congregation, and through them the entire Christian community, is called to support every member's faith. It's an excellent reminder that we're not just practising an individual, me-and-God religion. Certainly there's an element of one-on-one (the old evangelical call to a personal relationship with Jesus), but Christianity is not an individual's faith. It belongs to the whole Body of Christ which is the Church and all her members. In community we find support and responsibility, and a way to access both. That's why it's so vitally important that we stand for baptisms. The congregation isn't just watching the action, as if it's an interesting play or circus act. We're participating in the liturgy, taking our place in the community of faith. The priest may be saying the words, but the it's the community that welcomes the new member. We receive you into the household of God. Confess the faith of Christ crucified, proclaim his resurrection, and share with us in his eternal priesthood. -- From the Book of Alternative Services |