Yikes! How did it get to be the 16th? August is half over and I'm far from half done with the things I'd meant to do this month. Better get cracking. One of the reasons I've been lax is that Amy is spending over a week in NYC, stage managing a show for the NY Fringe, starting today. Starting this morning, actually, at 5:15am. Oy. Well, the show didn't start at 5:15am...that's just when I got up to see her off. She has to make her way by GO train and Vive's car to Buffalo (which is a funny name for a city) and then fly to the large Malus domestica. So I've not been too hard-core about work, preferring to spend time with Amy before she went. I can tie myself to my computer for the next week and burn through my small pile of papers before she gets back. While I don't enjoy waking up at 5:15am, and I'll certainly miss Amy, there is a benefit in addition to some alone time in which to work. Waking up that early means that I can have an Egg McMuffin. I've probably mentioned this before, but the Egg McMuffin is the world's most perfect food. When God rained manna on the Israelites, it probably tasted like an Egg McMuffin. Only without the Canadian bacon, I suppose. I know, I know...it's loaded with salt and fat and is probably killing me as I type this. I can't help it. Egg McMuffins are my biggest weakness. If I was Superman, Lex Luthor could defeat me with an Egg McMuffin. For trivia buffs, the Egg McMuffin was invented in the year I was born, tying me to the sandwich in ways cosmic and, as of yet, barely understood. The only thing that keeps me from eating them for every meal is McDonald's cruel and needless policy of cutting off the breakfast menu at 10am. Seriously, what's the point in that? We all know that the breakfast sandwiches beat anything they serve the rest of the day. Maybe I could get a McDonald's franchise and offer breakfast 24 hours a day. It'd be the most popular McDonald's on earth. And I wonder why I've gained so much weight. Stupid McDonald's, just two blocks away. I think I'll sue for damages due to deliciousness. Hmm...I bought that Egg McMuffin at 6am. They serve them till 10am. Seconds, anyone? |