Hang on a minute! Wait, wait...where did August get off to? I had it right here, just a moment ago. Now all I see is September. What gives? Though I've been anticipating classes for some time now, I think I'd like August to do over. No huge changes, just a bit more walking in High Park and less surfing the internet. More jogging and getting in shape and less sitting about and getting into a round shape. I suppose for that I'd also need cooler weather (being a hot-weather wimp) so unless I can get an August that feels like September it's pretty much a wash. The real shocker is that Orientation Week starts Tuesday...tomorrow, I guess, since the computer clock informs me that it's now Monday. In itself that's no big deal but, as co-head, I'll be rather busy once that first day of orienting begins. Perhaps that's the source of my nervousness. I've taken classes before...I've never been co-head. How profoundly do I have to mess it up before they replace me with a cardboard cut-out? I don't want to find out. I'm also a bit nervous about writing a thesis, another on my Never Done That Before list (along with skydiving and knitting a sweater). I guess it'll be like writing one very long, detailed paper...still, not knowing the landscape makes it all seem more daunting. New ground is scary ground. Besides, this is a paper on which hang two credits and my timely graduation. Yikes. It'll probably all fall into place, as so much has done since I arrived here in balmy Canada. I should really call on that trust in God, the trust that got me out of a familiar career and city, and into another country and a whole new direction in life. If I look at it that way, co-head and thesis look pretty tame. God brought me this far...I guess I can go a bit further, eh? |