Amy was checking her e-mail and reading the news online when she asked, "Did you hear the Crocodile Hunter died?" At first I didn't quite get it...I mean, he was crazy and did things that one usually associates with getting killed, but he was Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter. He was invincible. He would hold deadly poisonous snakes by the tail, but he knew how to hold them and how to avoid being bitten. So, of course, he wasn't attacked by an animal that he was handling. He was too canny for that. A stingray hides under the sand and is pretty much impossible to see. The hit itself was improbable, between the ribs and into the heart. The Prime Minister of Australia called Steve's death "freakish," and that's about the size of it. Thus dies one of the biggest characters of the resurgent animal-awareness, and one of the most passionate (overwhelmingly so) advocates for animal rights and the environment. He leaves behind his wife, Terri and their two children, Bindi Sue and Bob, to whom he was devoted. It really makes me sad. In honour and memory of the Crocodile Hunter, I'm clicking through both the Rainforest Site and Animal Rescue Site. Like the Hunger Site (see link in the right-hand menu) these sites donate money to their causes using money from advertising. The ads pay per view and clicks generate the views. I invite you to click through. It's the least we can do in memory of an amazing environmentalist. Almighty God, in giving humans dominion over the earth you entrusted us with the stewardship of your creation and the care of all our fellow creatures. Help us to learn from the example of your servant Steve Irwin, that we might respect all life and find joy in the beauty of the world. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. |