Two entries within an hour...bad form, but I'd had something kicking about in my head and kept forgetting what it was. Checking the news reminded me. I'm not sure how appropriate it is on the heels of the pirate party post, but here it is. Unless you live under a rock, you've certainly heard about the shooting in an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania. Another senseless and horrible act in what appears to be an increasingly incoherent world. Perhaps you've also heard what the families of the little girls have done regarding the killer's family...they're sharing their grief and forgiving the man who killed their children. They asked his widow to come to the little girls' funeral. As Amy pointed out, that's astounding for a group that chooses to separate itself from the rest of the world, especially after an event that can only reinforce their certainty that the dominant culture is not for them. It's also an astounding act of reconciliation by families in the midst of their own terrible loss and grief. Christians take note - there's an example of what we're called to be. |