I'm going to ACPO tomorrow, so expect a blog blackout until Sunday or Monday. I know...how will your life go on? For those who've just joined the broadcast, ACPO is sort of an interview/psychiatric exam for postulants for the Anglican priesthood here in Canada. (Don't ask me what it stands for, I always forget.) You go out to a cabin in the woods and have all sorts of chats with all sorts of people, and at the end of the weekend they say "Yay" or "Nay". So yeah, it's sort of make or break time. Did I waste a whole lot of time and money going to Trinity for the last two-plus years? (The answer, whatever ACPO says, is no...I've gained more than just training for the priesthood.) Will I have a career in the church? Will I ever get to wear all the stoles people are giving me? Speaking of which, the interim priest from St. Anne's took me stole-shopping today. When I left St. Anne's back in July, the parish gave me a "coupon" good for one custom-made stole from a very good vestment maker. Today I picked out the fabric and design. It's a white Tudor Rose silk with a gold cross at each end, finished with a bit of fringe. I think it'll look quite nice, and it's a very lovely gift from the good people at St. Anne's. Once it's finished I'll have three stoles...St. Bart's gave me a green one when I finished my internship there, and one came with the Marian chasuble I bought on eBay. I have to admit, it feels odd shopping for vestments the day before beginning a conference that will decide whether or not I can ever wear vestments... Oh, and I just remembered...I have the ACPO information packet right here. Advisory Committee on Postulants for Ordination. ACPO. Or ACOPFO, to be precise. Should I tell them that? No. |