And the year rolls on. At yesterday evening's Eucharist we had two team members not show up, so I ended up preaching at the last minute. I call it my 20/5 sermon...20 minutes to prep, 5 minutes to deliver. "Unpack this passage of scripture...NOW!" Due to how tired and unprepared I was on Tuesday (the day I was actually scheduled to preach), I think last evening's sermon was actually better. Sigh. Now I have three blissfully paper-free weeks. I can finally turn some attention to my thesis! I'm writing about work theology, and putting together a liturgy to be used for work-related occasions - Labour Day, a factory closing/opening, layoffs, etc. The list of books grows ever longer, my time ever shorter. Speaking of which, a little bird tells me it's 6 months and 5 days till we're done. I don't know if that's till graduation or the last exam, but either way the countdown is on. |