News from the annual U.N. conference on climate change, now being held in Nairobi, Kenya: Scientists, discussing ways to combat global warming, have proposed deliberately spewing pollutants into the atmosphere to act as a sort of sun shade. The idea is that the cloud of pollution would keep the Earth cool while humans learned to control greenhouse gas emissions. Paul J. Crutzen, of Germany's Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, suggests sending up balloon-mounted "pollution guns" to shoot sulphates into the atmosphere. It would have to be done every couple of years, of course, since the pollutants would eventually fall back to Earth as acid rain. While there is some weak concern over possible side-effects, the gathering as a whole thinks it's a peachy plan worth investigating. All of this leaves me with one, burning question... ARE YOU PEOPLE ALL FRICKING INSANE?! For the love of all that is holy, what sort of crack-head idea is that? Are these people out of their minds? Fix global warming by injecting poisons into the air? I can't even express how colossally stupid an idea that is. What they're proposing is geo-engineering on a massive and catastrophic scale! I want to slap the lot of them. It just goes to show that a) people will countenance any idea, no matter how idiotic, rather than face the possibility of changing their lifestyle, and b) scientists are fascinated by any theory, no matter how destructive, so long as it poses a nifty challenge (especially if you can get balloons and guns into the same experiment). See also the Manhattan Project...nobody ever stopped to ask, "Should we really be splitting apart what God (or nature, for the atheists) has bound together?" Well, nobody but Einstein, but by then it was too late. So all that bit yesterday, about looking at the world from someone else's perspective? It doesn't include mad scientists. |