A friend of mine has listed this blog on Blogshares, a sort of fantasy stock market in which shares are traded for blogs as if they were companies...or something. I barely understand the real stock market, so there's little chance of me grasping a fantasy version. I did my best, but to no avail. I can't manage to buy or sell or even claim my own blog! It's happening. I'm aging. I can't figure out what the kids are talking about. In other web-related news, I've made it to the second round of voting for the 2006 Canadian Blog Awards. Just barely, but there I am. The polls open Nov. 25th, and you can vote once a day. In non-web news, I'm heading off to the Diocese of Niagara's synod tomorrow. While I don't think there will be many huge issues on the table, we will be voting for delegates to General Synod (the national meeting of the Anglican Church of Canada). General Synod will be addressing the fun issues of sexuality and ecclesial-border-ignoring bishops. Boy, I wish I could go...not. In so many ways it'll be church at its worst. The people being picked to go will be entering a real mess of a synod. Unless, of course, we follow the much-venerated Anglican tradition of putting off till tomorrow what we could split over today. Sometimes this is great - it gives everyone time to cool down and get used to something new, and by the time we meet again most people have forgotten why it was such a stink in the first place. Or, as we're seeing in the U.S., it allows us room to snipe and back-bite for a few more years and dig our trenches even deeper so that nobody is even listening to anyone else any more. Sigh. Meanwhile, the world is deciding that we're irrelevant and moving on. If we don't figure out how to live out the gospel (which I happen to think means fully acknowledging that gay people are people, too, and just as beloved of God as anyone else, but then I am a radical) then we're just going to prove the world right. And I thought the fantasy stock market was complex. It's going to take a real miracle for the church to overcome this rift and get back to the work of Jesus' ministry. Lucky us, miracles are in Jesus' line. |