![]() Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the season of preparation, introspection and expectant waiting that leads up to Christmas. In Advent, the Church prepares for the nativity, the birth of Our Lord, and also his return in glory. There's a wonderful duality, looking forward to the new beginning of a baby and the end of this world, the death of sin and the birth of the Kingdom of God, salvation and judgement. All these are focused in the birth of Christ, the direct intervention of God into human history. Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, are wrapped together in swaddling clothes. Advent is the favourite season for a lot of Christians, I think because of all those layers of meaning. A baby, as helpless as a human gets, is worshipped as the Messiah. Power comes from powerlessness, holy weakness overcomes supposed strength. There's a pensiveness, an introspection, about Advent. The church asks us to "Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." In one sense we're called to do this in the world, to proclaim Christ's coming. But, perhaps more importantly, we're called to do this in our own hearts. Advent is a time to look into one's self and make a path for Christ - removing, if necessary, those things that draw us from him. I think this is the more important task because unless we do that we won't be able to take the message to the world. I wish you a holy Advent. May it be for you a time of peace and growth and joy. |