I just misheard a commercial on TV...it sounded like the woman asked, "Having trouble with some of the gits on your Christmas list?" She said "gifts", of course... Heh. Life is funny when your hearing is dodgy. I also just saw the Creature Comforts Christmas special...very funny. The voices are actual "man on the street" interviews, animated with claymation animals, of Britons trying to work their way through "The Twelve Days of Christmas". It's funny largely because of how offhand the comments are, and how trivial and tangential the conversations are...they spend a long while trying to figure out why a partridge has to do with a pear tree. The fact that I've been watching all this TV ought to tell you something...I'm DONE! At least for this term. I finished my last paper at 2:30ish last night...er, this morning. Not so much with the sleep, more with the writing. But it's done, and so am I for now. Well, I have an oral exam tomorrow, but I'd really have to bomb that to get less than an A, so I'm not too worried. So tonight is R&R. And so is tomorrow. And the following day. I'll do some Christmas shopping here and there, and see my gal, and eat some food. Egg Nog. I want some Egg Nog. |