I've now composed two entries, only to delete them. Why? Well, the first might have offended someone and the second sounded like I was dropping Christmas hints. I don't want my family and friends to read my blog and think, "Well, now we have to buy him X." There's a real danger in writing a blog when many of your readers actually know you...I've started second-guessing myself. Of course I could have named my blog something less conspicuous, but that would have defeated one of the initial reasons for writing, namely to keep my friends and family informed about what I'm doing. And yet I really want to kvetch about people who do such-and-so, and I want to laud the glories of such-a-thing. Oh, well. I guess I'll content myself with saying that people who do that look ridiculous and really get in the way, and that I'd love one of those, even though they tend to be the sorts of things one buys for people one doesn't know that well. Now I'll leave you all to wonder if you're doing something I find irritating and whether or not you've managed to buy me the Christmas present I really want. Perfect! |