Well, there you have it. A huge, exhaustive, comprehensive study showing that not only have we caused significant change and damage to the Earth, if we keep it up we'll fry ourselves out of a home. Just a couple degrees shift in climate would seriously jeopardize not only human life, but vast swaths of animal and plant life. Once they go, the chain reaction starts and it's down the toilet we go. What can we do about it? I, for one, feel pretty helpless, especially when I see the freeway clogged with cars and the skyline pierced by smokestacks. It just feels as if nothing I do will make one drop of difference. But we can't not try. As Dave Walker says, it's really not on for a Christian to contribute to the ruin of the Earth. God gave us the garden to tend, not to bulldoze and poison. Start small. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Make sure the tap is closed. Bike or walk or take transit to work if you can. Recycle. When you go to the store, if you only buy one or two things, tell the cashier that you don't need a bag. Buy some canvass bags for grocery shopping. Try to avoid buying food wrapped in plastic, or products from China...not for the sake of the local economy, which is a good idea anyhow, but to cut down on shipping, which uses oil and causes more pollution. Take your old computers and whatnot to the proper disposal centres, to keep the various chemicals inside from leaching into the ground. These aren't heroic measures. They're little things we can do to be better stewards of the Earth. It's not ours, anyhow. |