I'm taking a fast ride on a senior slide. No focus at all for schoolwork. I'm fine in class, still enjoying the learning, but I sit down to write and flit-flit-flit, my brain is gone away. I can barely complete a sentence let alone a paper. This is not good, as I have some largish papers due this term, not to mention my 50 to 70 page thesis. Yikes. Oh, well. It's not like I won't get everything done. I'll just panic at the last minute and do everything just in time for the deadline. I've not once, in my entire college career, asked for an extension on a paper and I'm not about to now. All that does is push the work back and pile it on top of other work due later. A slippery slope. A snowball. A slippery snowball. Tonight will be one of those crunches, desperately scrambling before the deadline. So nobody call me this evening, eh? |