Toronto is efficient, I'll say that. Rather than spread winter out over months and months, we had a balmy December through mid-February and are now packing three months worth of snow and wind and cold into a couple weeks. That's my rather self-indulgent way of saying that we have a major snowstorm here right now. Like, insane whiteout conditions. As friends headed home through the driving snow we shouted after them, "Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker!" The University of Toronto closed at 2pm today, something that has happened exactly once since I came here in the Fall of 2004...and that once includes today. The 5:15pm Eucharist was cancelled, since there was no priest handy and nobody was about to come in through the blizzard. I was at Trinity anyhow, and I take the subway home. Snow doesn't stop the subway so I offered to hang around and sing Evensong, just so that we'd have something in chapel at the prescribed time. I'm glad I did, since the student homilist had worked hard on his sermon and, even after an e-mail had gone out cancelling chapel, we still ended up with six people. Wherever two or three are gathered together in Christ's name... Lucky me, I can hunker down tomorrow and sip hot cocoa and watch the snow blow. Poor Amy will have to slog out into the mess, to go to her Joe Job. I'll try not to have too pleasant a day, in my comfy pyjamas and wrapped in blankets. |