Perhaps you see where this is going. On the day of his ordination his mother presented him with a large envelope, inside of which was a stock certificate for shares of Shell Oil Co. My favourite part of that story is what's not told - what must his mother have thought? "Oil stocks? What on earth would he do with oil stocks? Well, priests aren't terribly well paid...perhaps he needs a nest egg to fall back on. OK, then." Some people have asked what would be an appropriate gift for my ordination. While Amy and I could always use the spare income from the stock market, we're not terribly keen on the oil industry. Maybe Wesson? Bertolli, extra virgin oil stocks? My mum asked about stoles, but that can be tricky...if three people have the same idea then you have three red deacon's stoles. Besides, I've been trolling eBay for vestments and I think I have about all I'll need for a while. My cassock cincture is way too tight, but I really ought to lose weight instead of getting a bigger wardrobe. Shirts, however, are another matter, as I have nothing to wear after ordination. I do plan on wearing the traditional black shirt and clerical collar...I think it's part of the deal, for better or worse, that clergy be identifiable when on duty. I'm not going to wear the dog collar to the movies or while grocery shopping, but I will when at work. Whether or not I wear a cassock and birretta around town is another matter. |