Apparently the word is least, someone Googled to my blog using terms that suggest so. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, will be visiting Trinity College on April 16. He'll be here primarily to see students, though he's also giving a lecture and receiving an honorary degree. In the spirit of unity (lately so important to +++Rowan) Wycliffe College has been invited to join the fun. We'll have lunch or tea or something, mingling, and a question and answer period. Ought to be interesting, that. We'll have to bite our tongues a bit, I'm guessing. Speaking of Google, the following search terms have lead people to this blog over the past couple days.
I can't get beyond "scream stoles." What on earth does that mean? And where does one go to find out the Korean word for preacher? Apparently, one goes to my blog. I asked Danny, the guy who owns the corner convenience store, but he didn't know. He just uses the English word! I wonder what the Korean word for Archbishop of Canterbury would be... |