I've not been the most entertaining blogger on earth lately. Sorry about that. I'm just so fried with papers and reading and the Triduum. I sleep, I go to Trinity, I come home and write or just sleep. Poo. I really should be making comment about the Triduum. I should have something to say about the most holy week in the Christian calendar. But, as I said, there's just no energy left to think anything deeper than, "Time to go to chapel." I'm having good experiences when I'm there, but I just can't muster the focus to describe them. Suffice to say, I've wept a lot in chapel lately. The music has been absolutely transporting. At the Maundy Thursday Eucharist last night, our organ scholar cum nascent choir director got music out of four singers that would blow away most full choirs. And Tenebrae the night before was simply out of this world. Afterward I wanted to find the soprano and either kiss her or get her autograph. Since I can't really say much of consequence right now... On the subway yesterday, the conductor gave the station announcements as if they were the names of haunted houses or graveyards...as if "Spadina Station" was spooky. He sounded a lot like a horror movie host on a local TV station, a la Count Floyd. It actually worked with Ossington and, to a lesser degree, Lansdowne. "Osssssssingtonnnn. Laaaansdowwwne." Christie, however, cannot be creepy. |