The good news is that I'm walking like a normal human being again. My balance is back. The better news is that I'm now a little old man. Those who know me will know that I've always been a little old man, but now I'm taking the role seriously. I've started using a luggage cart, the sort that folds up for easy storage and cartage, as an all-purpose toting mechanism. I load it up with laundry, boxes of books, even empty cardboard boxes on their way to the storage locker. This thing is fabulous - I'll never have to lift anything ever again! Everyone knows that using a cart-like device for a purpose other than that for which it was designed is a certain sign of dotage. See also shopping carts that become gardening trolleys and riding mowers used for interstate travel. If you know someone who uses an old wheelbarrow to transport laundry, or who has turned a wheelchair into a movable T.V. stand (or vice versa), chances are you know a little old man. Well, now that little old man is me and I'm loving it. All I need is a lime green cap, a light yellow checkered shirt, a pair of pastel blue shorts and some long black socks and I'm set. All this carting activity is paying off. The apartment is finally starting to look like a home, rather than a loading dock. With me out of commission for almost a week and Amy working long hours, not much was getting done in the way of unpacking. Now there's a sense of place, of this being a living room and that being an office. It's not a beautiful building, but the apartment is pleasant enough, and we have a balcony. I'll post some pictures once the place is really finished. Oddly, it's noisier here in Oakville than in Toronto. In the city we were way back from the street, and our windows looked out on a foliage covered fence. Here we look out onto a major regional arterial, so the traffic is constant. Also, there's some sort of bump or steel panel in the road that causes a huge "cha-thunk" every time a large truck goes over it...that'll take some getting used to. On the plus side, I've stopped sleeping till noon. Sybil enjoys sitting in the window to watch all the activity, which Amy calls his Smell-o-vision, though I think noise does get to him. He's growing used to it, as are we, but he spends more time sleeping under the comforter than he used to. I've put off going to the post office all day, so I'd better be gone before they close. I also have to get some shelves ready for painting and unpack at least one of my Bibles. The morning office without a scripture reading has the virtue of being quick, but it's somehow less fulfilling. |