I'd be writing all about the exciting things that are happening...but they aren't. It's reading week, which means no classes...I get up, I say the morning office, I eat something vaguely resembling breakfast, I check e-mail and whatnot, I watch a couple TV shows (something I never did in the U.S., but then we didn't have Angela Anaconda or Made in Canada) and I read...and write...and read... There's good news about my pre-internship...I'll be working a one-two combo of Anglican and Baptist. I'm going to do hospital visits with the local Anglican parish and street ministry with a neighbourhood Baptist group. I'm also going to see how feasible it is to combine the two groups for Easter. We'll see, eh? Oil and water, maybe, but both of those are essential symbols of Christian life. In health news...somebody shoot me. The last couple of days I was feeling much better. My cough was dying down and the headache had dissipated. This morning I awoke coughing and stuffy and miserable. A common cold backslide. Poo. And that after a full two days of not leaving the house. I was so hoping to return to class all healthy and clear. Looks like that ain't happenin'. And they don't have Theraflu here. Instead I've been using a weak Canadian version...Theraflu and Pop-Secret. Why, oh why, does the U.S. keep all the goodies for itself? Of course, Canada has dark chocolate, orange and chocolate, white chocolate and chunky Kit-Kats, and even the plain Kit-Kats here are bigger and the chocolate is better...not to mention the heavenly Coffee Crisp. Mmmm...Coffee Crisp may well be the world's most perfect candy bar. Coffee, chocolate...what's not to love? Great. Now I have to leave the apartment... |