My achin' back. I need to get about twice as much sleep and carry half as much weight. Sadly, neither looks least not till summer. My schedule is what it is and my backpack must contain what it contains. Oh, well. The real bear right now is a paper comparing various Biblical criticisms, ascertaining what they're trying to do and what methods they're using. Whee! This is the theological equivalent of algebra, if you ask me. The only difference is that I can see why I need this and to what use I'll someday put the knowledge...if you're going to look something up for a sermon you'd best be sure that your source is working toward the same goal you're working toward, eh? pulling teeth and the books I'm using are all enormous. See previous paragraph. The good news (belated) from my family is that my cousin K is getting married. As if this wasn't already the cat's ass, she's asked me to be involved. Of course I can't officiate, sans stole, but there are a lot of other things I might be able to do...lector, preacher, liturgy planner. We'll see. Regardless, it's good news, so congrats to cousin K. |