Two more papers and I'm done! Well...two more papers and three exams, one of which looks like it'll be quite tough. O.K. Two more papers, three exams and a sermon, which is written but not delivered. Funny thing...for the last few years of my acting career I had no stage fright whatsoever. Not a tremor. Not even when I made an entrance wearing a green, skin-tight body suit in The Hobbit. Or when I played the brutal slave hunter in a show about the Underground Railroad and the audience was 90% African-American. Nope. But I already have butterflies about this sermon. I guess it makes sense. Rather than three weeks, six days a week, eight hours a day, I've had one week to work on it and that was sandwiched between other things. It's my first sermon in front of my peers. It's not Gollum or's me. Just me. And it's not a script by someone's my idea and interpretation of scripture. Very personal. I'm sure that eventually, just like with acting, I'll be able to mount the pulpit (or wander into the nave, as is the modern practice) entirely comfortably. But for the next twenty-ish hours I'll be just a bit jumpy, thank you. If the sermon bombs you'll not hear about it again. If it goes alright I'll post it here tomorrow night. I mean...I like it. I'm happy with what I wrote. I just hope I haven't drifted unknowingly into some heresy or other... |