As I move through my day I notice little things and think, "I'm going to comment about that on my blog." And then I completely forget about it. All I remember from this morning is that I had something really interesting to share...something so interesting that I cannot recall now what it was. As for classes, the reading is back but this time around it's a bit more manageable. So far. It's only Thursday night and I'm almost half through the pages for all of next week. Ask me in a few weeks and you'll probably hear a different story. Today is Epiphany, the anniversary of my conversion. Sitting (interested but yet unconvinced) in All Saints' Cathedral, listening to the Dean preach, I finally allowed myself to be loved. That's the best description I can the Dean talked that day about broken, fault-ridden Paul, I recognized myself. Paul, least of all the saints, even he was loved. Like the prodigal son I returned to a welcome of overwhelming love. All I had to do was turn, and I was home again in the arms of an all-forgiving God. It's good to be home. |