Just a note to those people who used (or are using) my site to order things from Amazon.com... THANK YOU! With all the Christmas shopping people did through me, I ended up with almost $50 (U.S.), which amounts to one average-price text book...paid for by your clicks! The beauty is that it costs you nothing extra, and I get the extra help. Win-win. Or, at least, tie-win. In further penny-pinching news, I discovered a secret about one of my textbooks for this semester. This slender paperback volume (of the sort for which you'd pay maybe $20) costs $70 at the campus book store. For that amount a textbook had better be over 500 pages or printed in gold ink...this one is not. The books were late coming in, and a good thing too. While waiting for the pleasure of paying this exorbitant sum, I discovered that this same book is in Trinity's Graham Library, and that with one renewal I can check it out for the entire semester...free! From $70 to free in one afternoon - not bad, eh? I've also discovered my new Favourite Place...on the third floor of the Graham Library there's a reading room. It has a table and chairs at one side, and on the other two very comfy chairs pulled up to a roaring gas fire...so more "hissing" than "roaring," really. But a fire, at any rate, in a lovely fireplace. The ceiling has a central raised portion, around which is painted "Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh." (Ecclesiastes 12:12) The colours are solemn and comfortingly dark. There are shelves of books, of course, and looking out the window one sees the roofline of Trinity's chapel. If you can score one of the seats by the fire it's the perfect place to read. There are even outlets for one's computer and wireless service for those of us geeks who treasure such toys. I shall be there always. |