Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, is the new Bishop of Rome and Pope of the Roman Catholic church. We pray for his papacy and for the church under his guidance. May God bless Benedict XVI and grant him a long and productive papacy. Personally, I can't say I'd have picked him. He has all of JPII's conservative ideology (and then some), with none of JPII's gentle dignity. You don't earn the nickname "Rottweiler" by being gracious and pastoral. (This is an unfortunate nickname, since Rottweilers can be very sweet...but there can be no doubt that sweetness was not what they were bred for. Guarding castles, more like.) Most of his reputation comes from his previous line of work...Ratzinger was in charge of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. If you've never heard of it, perhaps you'd recognize the name under which it formerly operated - the Holy Inquisition. (Nooooooobody expects the German inquisition!) His job was to enforce doctrine and dogma, which earned him (in addition to his pedigree) the nickname "Cardinal No." Some very bright lights of the Roman church were extinguished or obscured under Ratzinger's watch, including the brilliant Hans Kueng. But he is the new head of the largest Christian denomination, seated on St. Peter's throne. For reasons obviously beyond my poor power to comprehend, and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the College of Cardinals elected him as their new pope. There can be no doubt that he's an accomplished theologian I rejoice with our brothers and sisters in Rome - Habemus Papam! |