You know how some TV commercials are so annoying, either from repetition or from an inherent awfulness or both, that they steel your determination not to buy the product they're selling? The current Marineland commercial, in which the obnoxiously cheerful singer gets jazzy about some beluga whales, not only guarantees that I won't go to Marineland any time soon, it makes me want to hunt belugas to extinction - just to stop the song! Oh, you can smell the excitement. In just another couple weeks Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince will be released. To prepare I'm reading books 1 through 5. It's amazing what you forget, especially in the books of which there are movies. It makes me want to go back and re-read The Lord of the Rings...for about the 11th time. Such. A. Dork. Which is a nice acronym, actually. S.A.D. As in, "He's actually worried that he might have forgotten the original name of Minas Morgul. Sad." |