Mmmmm...Falafel. Amy is a braver soul than I. While I enjoy falafel (to the point that it's almost indecent) I would never think to make falafels (falafi?) for myself. That requires deep frying, which involves a pot of hot oil, which is a step further into actual cooking than I tend to venture. Baking I do. Cooking, not so much. At any rate, she made falafels (falafee?) this evening. Delicious. I could eat falafels (falafool) every day, and if the jumbo jug of tahina sauce Amy bought is any indication I might be doing just that. From the literary corner, Amy has now started on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I'm struggling mightily not to pepper her with questions and comments... "Where are you now? What did you think of that chapter? Do you think Ron and Herione will get together in this one? What about Malfoy? Do you think he's really a boy Death Eater? Huh? Huh? Dooyah?" |