Ah, sweet sleep. I woke up fully rested today, for the first time in weeks. I'm not very good at going to bed early, even when I know that I have an early morning. I don't go in till afternoon on Fridays, so it's a good day to sleep in. Yesterday was a long and busy day. I bagged groceries at the food bank, did some office work, attended a couple of meetings, did more office work, said Evening Prayer and went to a party. That last one wasn't work, but by the time I got home I was pooped. I've been following, albeit at a distance, the Canadian Olympic saga. Yesterday was a good medal day for us - two silver and two bronze - but it seems that the biggest Olympic victory for Team Canada is in that all-important event, Haberdashery. A few years back, in Salt Lake City, Canada's Olympic headgear (by Roots) was all the rage. This year the Olympic contract went to the Hudson's Bay Company (though Roots is now designing for the U.S.). This caused some consternation among Canuck hipsters...HBC is best known for catering to your grandmother's tastes. But Canadian hats have struck again. The trapper hat, worn by Team Canada in the opening ceremony, is the hot hat at the games. Italians are buying them, which alone means that the hat has class. Between the trapper hat and the snowboarder's toque, the world is keeping warm with Canada's lids. Meanwhile the Bay, that bastion of Canadiana, that suddenly hip, stalwart symbol of a great exploring and trapping past, has been sold...to an American. Sigh. |