Hurrah! Joy! Rapture! Today. It. Snowed. I was walking to the bank to make a deposit (more Hurrah, more Joy, more Rapture) and lo, I saw flakes. The wind was cold, the sky was grey and I was a happy man. You see, I really don't care for warm weather. Oh, a sunny day here and there is OK. But I'm usually not comfortable when the mercury goes over 23C. The problem is that I sweat a lot. I sweat because a) I'm getting fat (stupid delicious ketchup chips and butter tarts) and b) I almost always walk as fast as I can. There's another delightful wrinkle in the messy bed of my psyche - when I walk I charge about as if my life depends on getting to the grocery store in three minutes flat. This isn't the best idea in Little Poland, where shuffling old Polish ladies rule the pavement. Wall to wall polyester blocks my every burst of speed which, of course, just makes me want to plough forward even faster. It's no better on campus, in the subway or walking about downtown. On a warm day my shirt is stuck to my back by the time I get wherever I'm going. Ick. But today? I strolled. I ambled. I sauntered. I might have been the only person on Roncesvalles looking about with pleasure, enjoying the light swirl of flakes and the blast of chill wind. The snow melted as it hit the sidewalk, but it's still a good sign. Once the cold settles in, it won't go away for a few months. I can finally go about my day in cool, dry comfort. How do those poor people in Florida manage? |