Oh, yes. Me blog. News from these parts? Not much. Amy and I are both wiped out. She's working two jobs, I'm studying and writing and whatnot. 14 and 16 hour days are common for both of us. Oy. This, however, will pass...in a couple months. All sorts of fun at Trinity. We've had a string of stressors beyond normal class work, some big and some small but all part of living in community. Things change, expectations turn out to be different than we'd thought, human error and folly sneak in (mostly mine, I'm sure) but in the end we keep trudging along and sometimes even experience the numinous. I had one such moment at Wednesday's Evensong. That's the one liturgy of the week during that I can just experience. Otherwise, even when I'm not on chapel team, I fret about things and often get drafted to fill in for an absent classmate. At Evensong, though...well, I'm asked to be an acolyte now and then but usually I can sit in the pew and enjoy...and enjoy I did. William Byrd's Miserere mei is about the most beautiful thing I've ever heard our choir sing, which is saying something. (If you're in Toronto and enjoy choral music...if you have ears and have any appreciation of beauty...come by Trinity Chapel at 5:15pm on a Wednesday during the school term. You won't regret it.) Byrd's anthem is just the sort of thing our choir excels at. Polyphony was the best thing to happen to music, let me tell you. By the end I was weeping. The text of the anthem is the first verse of Psalm 51, in Latin... Miserere mei, Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam : et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum, dele iniquitatem meam. Which the 1662 BCP translates as... Have mercy upon me, O God, after thy great goodness : according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences. Good Lenten stuff, that. |