So much has happened since I last updated...where to begin? The thesis is done and handed in and graded. All is good. I pushed myself pretty hard, but it turned out quite well. Amy and I are ensconced in a lovely two-bedroom apartment in downtown Oakville. Well, it's spacious. It's a modern building, so short on charm, but there's a balcony and an elevator and a garbage shoot. Don't laugh...if you could see the wretched pit of filth I used to have to wade into to take out the trash, you'd understand how delighted I am to be able to push it down a nice clean shoot. I also have a commute of perhaps a dozen blocks, a ten minute stroll, once work starts on May 15. The move was Saturday, with the good help of friends to whom we are eternally grateful. We did some unpacking Sunday, and then Monday poor Amy had to start her new job...back in Toronto. Sigh. Her commute will be rather more arduous. Monday evening I made my way, and it was a difficult way without a phone or a car, into Toronto as well...M had invited me to the Bishop's Dinner, a fancy shmancy banquet to raise money for the bishop's fund. M was given her ticket, being not quite in the financial stratosphere from which guests are normally drawn. Though we were in the Diocese of Toronto, my bishop (Niagara) was the keynote speaker. He gave his shtick about flags - he's a world-renown vexilologist - and it was quite entertaining. He really is an excellent speaker. Then, on Tuesday, I went into Trinity for some odds and ends of business. A meeting, picking up vestments from the chapel, etc. Amy and I had both had colds, probably due to being run down from the move and associated stress. Packing and a new job for her, thesis for me (I really didn't sleep more than a couple/few hours a night when I was writing). But Tuesday evening I felt really good. My head was clear and I felt like I'd licked the bug. Then it hit. I have never felt so miserable in my life. No sickness I've ever experienced wad this bad. I was in bed...asleep, awake I don't recall. All I remember is lurching out of bed, so dizzy I couldn't stand. The room was swaying like I was on a ship in a hurricane. I dropped to all fours, bathed in cold sweat. I knew I was going to throw up, so I crawled on all fours to the bathroom. Four or five waves of heaves, each wave bringing up less than the time before, and I'd lost everything still in my stomach. Amy helped me back into bed and, when it seemed I was done vomiting, gave me an anti-nausea pill. Wednesday I still couldn't walk upright. A deliveryman came to the door and I thought it was Amy's father. We had arranged for him to come over with a shelf, and to help with some things about the apartment. Amy called to cancel, but I didn't know if she'd reached him...the phone still wasn't hooked up so she'd called from work. I lurched down the hallway, doing my best Star Trek moves, and dealt with a man so short of sympathy that I'd have vomited on him if I'd had anything left. Thursday was better. A could walk a bit, though I had to lie down afterward. Today I woke up feeling a bit woozy but with my balance. I started attending to the pile of things I was supposed to do earlier in the week (like lining up payroll, which cannot really wait) but too much moving about it not in the cards. Back in bed now, thrilled that the phone and internet are finally working. Amy's pa is coming by later. I can manage helping him with the shelf now, and he's going to take me to a walk-in clinic. If I don't update in a while, it's not (necessarily) because I'm dead. I'm just sleeping... |