School starts again tomorrow! School starts again tomorrow! It's true...I'm a back-to-school geek. I'm going to get a Trapper Keeper, a pencil box and some new folders! I'll use the same folders as last year, because they're in perfectly good shape. And the last Trapper Keeper I owned got me nothing but teased. I suppose the fact that there was a picture of horses on it didn't help. This first week will be orientation. Although I'm already oriented, it's now my turn to help welcome and orient new students. I remember how nice it was, as an incoming student, to have some second and third year students there. It said that our class was important and welcome in the community. Plus there's a lot of free food in the first week. I'm surprised that more second and third year students don't attend...I plan on going to Trinity's orientation week for the rest of my life. It's official...Western Civilization has collapsed. C�line Dion was on the Larry King Show in the middle of an emotional meltdown, angry and horrified by Bush's indifferent response to Hurricane Katrina. This was awkward enough, as she ranted (albeit justifiably) in broken English and mixed metaphors, all the while wiping tears from her face...and then Larry King asked her if she wanted to sing something. As a Canadian news anchor today said, it was the stupidest question ever asked. For a moment it seemed like C�line was going to snap, to tear into him for trying to make some sort of "moment" over such a serious situation. But no...she started singing. So odd. And (as if that's not weird enough) Sean Penn is in a boat, cruising around New Orleans, rescuing people from flooded homes, helping the elderly get to medical care and diving into the fetid water to save people from drowning. I guess if the president won't send real help, it's up to Hollywood to respond. And the weirdness just keeps on. |