You know how you feel when someone says, "Oh, you smell good!" and you know that the only smelly thing you're wearing is deodorant? O.K., glad you like it, but it's just deodorant. That's how I sometimes feel when I get an A on a paper. Of course the professor doesn't know that I wrote it at 2am and that I haven't a clue what I'm saying. But's just deodorant. That said, I've become an A junkie. The day that papers come back I try to be all nonchalant. I get my paper and tuck it in my folder..."No, I don't need to look right now. I'm just here for the education. The numbers are really meaningless." But by the end of class, I've peeked. It's like sniffing my armpits to check my deodorant. Sorry for that image. |